Territorial Governance through Spatial Planning in Albania and Kosovo

Territorial Governance through Spatial Planning in Albania and Kosovo

Annual Review of Territorial Governance in the Western Balkans, I, 2019, 42-53 Ledio Allkja Summary Albania and Kosovo have taken various initiatives over the last decade with the aim of reforming territorial governance and their spatial planning systems. The territorial development trends of both countries have shown great similarities over the last 20 years. The aim of the paper is to compare the evolution of territorial governance and spatial planning

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Strengthening Cooperation for Spatial Planning – A Case Study on Participatory Planning in Albania

Strengthening Cooperation for Spatial Planning – A Case Study on Participatory Planning in Albania

Annual Review of Territorial Governance in the Western Balkans, I, 2019, 27-41 Fiona Imami, Kejt Dhrami Summary The Albanian context still faces challenges on promoting participatory democracy in decision-making in all governmental levels. The increased activity in territorial planning over the last years, evidenced from the changes in legislation and preparation of plans at national and local level, has brought to discussion the challenges of establishing and reinforcing cooperation and

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From Space in Transition to Space of Transit – Risks and Opportunities of European and Chinese Investments in the Western Balkan Region

From Space in Transition to Space of Transit – Risks and Opportunities of European and Chinese Investments in the Western Balkan Region

Annual Review of Territorial Governance in the Western Balkans, I, 2019, 16-26 Giancarlo Cotella, Erblin Berisha Summary The Western Balkan Region (WBR) is currently undergoing a complex process of integration into the European Union (EU) that is supported by a number of programmes and actions. In the last decade, however, a new and cumbersome set of actors entered the game. The launch of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has

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Cooperate on Territorial Governance to Address Major Development Challenges in Europe

Cooperate on Territorial Governance to Address Major Development Challenges in Europe

Annual Review of Territorial Governance in the Western Balkans, I, 2019, 08-15 Kai Böhme Summary In Europe (not just the EU), societal and territorial fragmentation, along with spatial inequalities are a growing challenge to the development of our places and societies. They are further fuelled by exogenous and endogenous development trends that affect future spatial developments. This article provides a quick glance at major development trends shaping Europe’s future development

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