Roli, sfidat dhe nevojat e bashkive dhe aktorëve në nivel vendor gjatë krizës COVID-19

Gjatë periudhës Mars – Prill 2020, Shqipëria, sikurse edhe vende të tjera Evropiane, u prek nga pandemia COVID-19. Prekja nga coronavirusi i ri u shtri në të gjithë territorin, duke vënë në vështirësi sistemin shëndetësor dhe atë të mbrojtjes civile. Ndërkohë, masat e marra nga qeveria për vendosjen e gjendjes së fatkeqësisë natyrore, karantinimin dhe kufizimin e disa lirive individuale, janë instrumenti i përdorur për të ulur kurbën e infektimit,

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Call for Expression of Interest for International Long-term Consultant!

Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development is seeking expressions of interest from qualified experts in Capacity Development on European Union matters. The services are required in the frame of the “Dialogue for inclusive evidence-based policy development in Albania” project, funded by the European Union and jointly implemented by Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development (Tiranë) and the European Policy Center (Brussels). The deadline for the Expressions of Interest is May 30, 2020.

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Resilience, Uncertainty, and Adaptive Planning

Resilience, Uncertainty, and Adaptive Planning

Annual Review of Territorial Governance in the Western Balkans, I, 2019, 120-128 Simin Davoudi Summary In October 2018, the world received another stark warning from the Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change whose latest report stated that we only have 12 years to keep the increase in the global mean temperature to 1.5°C relative to pre-industrial levels; that every fraction of additional warming would worsen the impact of climate change on

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Decarbonisation of the Public Transport Sector in Tirana

Decarbonisation of the Public Transport Sector in Tirana

Annual Review of Territorial Governance in the Western Balkans, I, 2019, 107-119 Rodion Gjoka, Gerti Delli Summary The transport sector is one of the main contributors of air pollution, accounting for 25% of gas emissions in the European Union (EU). In Tirana, Albania, the transport sector plays a big role in pollution concentrations, affecting public health. Compared to other countries, the heavy industry and energy sectors in Albania are barely

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Measuring the Performance of SMEs for Evidence – Informed Economic Development Policies in Albania

Measuring the Performance of SMEs for Evidence – Informed Economic Development Policies in Albania

Annual Review of Territorial Governance in the Western Balkans, I, 2019, 98-106 Godiva Rëmbeci Summary Without any doubt, Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs) represent a driving force in economic development today. SMEs by the numbers dominate the world business stage, although their contribution varies among countries. In Albania, SMEs represents about 98% of total companies with a significant contribution of about 70% to the national Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The

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Consolidation of Agricultural Land, A Case from Albania

Consolidation of Agricultural Land, A Case from Albania

Annual Review of Territorial Governance in the Western Balkans, I, 2019, 86-97 Sherif Lushaj, Luiza Strati, Vezir Muharremaj Summary Since 1990, after privatization of farmland, fragmentation – division of land in small farmable parcels dispersed on non-contiguous areas – continues to be one of the major factors that hamper sustainable development of agriculture in Albania. The ‘Consolidation of Agricultural Land as an Instrument for Sustainable Development of Agriculture’ Project was

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Tourism Governance in Albania: An Assessment of the Policy Framework for the Tourism Sector in Albania

Tourism Governance in Albania: An Assessment of the Policy Framework for the Tourism Sector in Albania

Annual Review of Territorial Governance in the Western Balkans, I, 2019, 69-85 Aida Ciro Summary For several years, tourism in Albania was driven primarily by enthusiasm; (a) the enthusiasm of foreigners witnessing a piece of communist memorabilia amidst a beautiful, intact history and natural landscape; (b) the enthusiasm of locals, able to finally perceive the dimensions and values of their own country as free citizens; and (c) the daring enthusiasm

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Decentralisation and Local Economic Development in Albania

Decentralisation and Local Economic Development in Albania

Annual Review of Territorial Governance in the Western Balkans, I, 2019, 53-68 Merita Toska, Anila Bejko (Gjika) Summary Local governance in Albania has been the subject of several reforms over the last few years. The consolidation of local self-government units into 61 municipalities through the administrative and territorial reform was accompanied by the approval of a new law on local self-government, a new strategy for decentralization, and the devolution of

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