Environmental Film Festival
Also, during the fair, which toko place on the ‘Murat Toptani’ pedestrian street in the capital, on Saturday, May 25th, Co-PLAN in collaboration with POLIS shared a number of publications in the field of environment, particularly in relation to earth sciences.
The two short films which were screened during the festival can be viewed by clicking on the links below:
PET 127 – Plastic Emergency in Albania
From the time of the nylon bags, and glass-water-bottles, the Albanian consumer profile, has changed beyond recognition. We now have the freedom to choose from [at least] 10 different types ‘water bottle’, the colorful drinks. Our tendency for consuming goods packaged in disposable wrapping, has increased so much that has been apparent clash with the environment in which we live. To our good luck, we can use the right to choose even here: we can reduce the use of disposable packaging; replace their consumption with products less harmful to the environment, and recycle what we use. With a little willpower and fantasy, we can transform the problem of pollution into a beautiful sustainable solution. I invite you to become familiar with the latest initiative of Co-PLAN Institute for Habitat Development and POLIS International School of Architecture and Development Policy. The project to build a bus station with plastic bottles was initially conceived at Co-PLAN & U_POLIS in December 2011, optimistically relying on similar previous experiences, and finalized on October 8, 2012. The success story continues as a second bus shelter is under way!
The state of traffic mirrors the state of the society
Inevitably, every day we happen to be either in a pedestrian’s shoes, or that of a driver. Nevertheless, the saga of a pedestrian and that of a driver can be told in many different ways: on the one hand as a pedestrian, one feels unsafe, indifferent, and stressed by the never ending cars parked everywhere. On the other hand, as a driver, one feels stressed by the careless pedestrians, traffic jams, and the lack of parking spaces as well as worn out infrastructure. Although it is difficult to establish who is right, one this is for sure: pollution as a consequence of rapid urban development and increasing traffic is affecting and stressing us all.