Places of Diversity – Public Space as a Field of Intercultural Dialogue

  • Wednesday September 6th, 2017
  • Closed
  • 3190

Implementation Period: 2013 – 2014
Donor: Anna Lindh Foundation (ALF)
Fund: 36,320 EUR
Implemented in: Montenegro, Albania, Jordan
Implemented by: Expedition, Co-PLAN, Leaders of Tomorrow

In many Mediterranean cities and towns, especially in less developed democratic systems, public spaces are often commercialized by the private sector. When planning and designing, the focus is mainly on the physical aspect of the design of public spaces and much less on the participation of citizens in the process of their formation or messages that can be sent through them. With this in mind, the idea of the project “Places of Diversity – Public spaces as a field of intercultural dialogue and the promotion of social values” is to inspire those who want to see, in their communities, the promotion of desirable social values, such as understanding, support, love, multiculturalism, respect for diversity, etc.
The pilot activities are being implemented in Albania, Jordan and Montenegro, the principles and ideas of the project can be applied to other cities and towns.

This project is an Anna Lindh Foundation funded project, implemented by Expeditio (lead partner – Montenegro), Leaders of Tomorrow (Jordan), and Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development (Albania). Some of the main activities and results achieved during 2014, were:

  • A study tour was organized to Jordan for networking with local organizations, and exchange of know-how between Expeditio, Co-PLAN, Leaders of Tomorrow;
  • A website dedicated to the dissemination of good practices, and exchange of know-how was set up, available in 4 languages, namely: English, Albanian, Arabic and Montenegrin;
  • A short documentary film was produced capturing the key moments and processes during the project implementation.
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