Applied Policy Research

  • Wednesday September 6th, 2017
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  • 3164

Making Policies work

Implementation period: December 2011 – 2012
Donor: The Think Tank Fund of the OSI, Budapest
Fund: 71,851 $
Implemented in: Albania
Implemented by: Co-PLAN

2012 marked the second year of implementation of the ‘Making Policies Work’ program, phase II. Similarly to the previous two years of phase II, the aim of the program is for Co-PLAN by 2013 to be envisioned as a successful and respected policy research institute in its field of work, contributing to the Albanian society through strengthening policy making and contributing to the higher education in Albania. The overall program objectives are: Design and put together sharpened policy products;

1. Design and implement efficient advocacy strategies related to the policy products;
2. Improve the institutional and organizational framework of Co-PLAN to fit with Co- PLAN`s approach (technical assistance, potential regional expansion, cooperation with POLIS University, policy influencing) and mission.

During 2012, a number of important activities were organized, particularly related to influencing policy-making, the preparation and publication of policy products, and the improvement of the institutional and organisation structure of Co-PLAN, such as: the publication of the second volume of ‘Policyfollowers or Policymakers!’, the organisation and participation in the Tirana Architecture Weeks, the publication of a series of manuals in the field of public space, solid waste management, and beginner’s guide to advocacy in Albania. The program of three years (2011-2013), has been supported by The Think Tank Fund of the OSI Budapest based on annual performance.

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