Decentralisation and Local Development Program (dldp) – Thematic Support for Waste Management

  • Wednesday September 6th, 2017
  • Closed
  • 3390

Implementation Period: 2012
Donor: Swiss Agency for Development and COOperation through dldp
Fund: 29,850 Euro
Implemented in: Qarks of Shkodër and Lezhë
Implemented by: Co-PLAN

Co-PLAN was contracted by HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation (HSI Albania) to support 6 LGUs from Shkodra and Lezha Qarks through implementation of the Waste Management Component, in the framework of the Phase 2 of dldp program, during  the period April – December 2012. The overall goal is to offer technical assistance to LGUs that have already developed a Local Solid Waste Management plan, to perform better with its implementation, as well as to guide them to reduce the cost of their waste management, increase revenues and optimize their services as well as to disseminate these best practices and models at a regional and national level.

 The technical assistance is organized in four supporting modules enabling the successfully implementation of their LSWMP, through:
(1). Organization of effective waste collection;
(2). Monitoring, controlling, information and communication matters;
(3). Better accounting and financial management, in terms of analyzing and controlling the costs of the services and by ensuring financial sustainability (reducing the costs, increasing the revenues, secure financing of waste management practices);
(4). Developing and improving contracts, contracting (implementation, controlling and enforcement), and procuring procedures, as well as establishing/improving/enforcement of local rules, such as responsibilities and obligations of inhabitants and businesses, rules and obligation for the authorities and penalties.

Based on the local context, knowledge and assistance provided during the training and coaching sessions, the local experts have developed their applicative models with major relevance in the plan implementation process, which have potential to be carried out in their local context.

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