Book Translation Program

  • Wednesday September 6th, 2017
  • Closed
  • 3009

Implementation Period: 2012 – 2013
Donor: US Embassy
Fund: 25,000 $
Implemented in: Albania
Implemented by: Co-PLAN

The engagement of Co-PLAN in research and knowhow has been an inseparable part of the activities at project level and organizational level. This commitment gained a new dimension with the creation of a synergy with POLIS University, International School of Architecture and Urban Development Policy in 2006, together contributing to the creation of a critical mass in the field of urban development and environmental management, through education and awareness activities. Besides this approach, Co-PLAN ensures that the experience, knowledge and practices acquired from various projects gets documented in the form of manuals or guidelines to be sharing with stakeholders to increase capacity and improve working practices in different areas.In this line, Co-PLAN in cooperation with the American Embassy in Tirana, was involved in the implementation of the “Program for the Book Translation”, thus enabling the Albanian translation of three very important thematic publications, namely in the field of environment, public finance, and architecture / planning.

Three publications,  published during 2013, are:
1. “Design with Nature” by Ian L. McHarg
2. “Strategic Environmental Assessment in Transport and Land Use” by Thomas B. Fischer
3. “Public Finance in Developing and Transitional Countries – Essays in Honor of Richard Bird “by Wallace E. Oates.

During 2013 the three translated titles were published, with translation rights approved by the respective publishing houses and close consultation with experts in the field of environment, public finance and urban planning. The promotion of the three books took place in the premises of POLIS University in the presence of the Vice Ambassador of the United States in Albania, Mr. Henry Jardin, the Rector of POLIS University, Prof. Dr. Besnik Aliaj, experts in the field, academic figures, etc.

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