Introducing the “Local Finances” Platform

  • Tuesday August 15th, 2017
  • Past
  • 3235

The guests (about 65 representatives) praised the “Local Finances” platform as a very useful instrument in the hands of LGUs, CSOs, Universities, Professionals and Field Experts, Students, etc.

Throughout the presentation, representatives from the two ministries focused on the importance of standardizing financial reporting for Local Government Units to facilitate collection, processing and comparability between units but between different moments on time. Ms. Prodani expressed the willingness of the Ministry of Finance to systematically boycott the local finance platform, thus guaranteeing the continuity and enrichment of the platform over the years.

Local Finance is an information platform for the fiscal and financial performance of local government units in Albania that builds on the principle Open Government is Responsible Governance.

The platform enables not only dividing the financial and fiscal data of the local government units for the period 2008 – 2014, but also their comparative analysis for, thus providing a powerful instrument for monitoring the financial and fiscal performance of the LGUs, Enhancing transparency in governance and improving informed decision-making.

Local Finance comes to the assistance of Civil Society Organizations, Governance Levels, Media, Universities and Research Institutes, Field Professionals, Townsmen, Local Government Units, and other stakeholders interested in accessing, understanding, monitoring and using in Analytical data on financial performance at local level in Albania.

Currently, the platform provides comparative analysis based on financial, fiscal, and other indicators for the period 2008-2014, in the pre-existing and post-administrative territorial variants, namely 373 LGUs and 61 LGUs. The platform will be further developed within the LëvizAlbania project, followed further on the basis of data and comparative analysis typology provided.

The “Local Finances” digital platform comes as a collaboration within the project “Systematic Monitoring of Financial Situation and Local Governance Financial Management Practices”, a co-funding of the Open Society Foundation for Albania and Co-PLAN, the Institute for Habitat Development With the continued support of the Ministry of Finance and the Minister of State for Local Issues.

We invite you to get acquainted with the platform:

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