
A brief review of work history and partnerships Co-PLAN, founded on the principles of collaborative planning, has been at the forefront of originating participatory planning as a cornerstone for urban good governance in Albania. Its journey began in Tirana, where it embarked on pioneering projects in areas like Bathore and Breglumas, establishing the first-ever pilot urban upgrading projects with a combined social physical approach. These initiatives marked a significant shift

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Grant management/cascade funding

Grant management/cascade funding

Co-PLAN has cultivated extensive expertise as a grant managing institution, adept at implementing and monitoring grant schemes funded by various donors. This proficiency extends to the successful execution of European Union (EU) funded projects, complemented by specialized knowledge in enhancing innovation ecosystems within specific sectors. Moreover, our organization has provided both financial assistance and technical support to propel the growth of private and public entities, guiding them through the stages

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Civil society and activism

Civil society and activism

Co-PLAN has cultivated significant civil society engagement and activism expertise, leveraging its longstanding commitments to grassroots initiatives and community-driven development. With over two decades of experience, Co-PLAN plays a pivotal role in fostering civic participation and empowering local communities to advocate for their rights and interests. Through strategic partnerships and collaborative initiatives, Co-PLAN facilitates the emergence of a vibrant civil society ecosystem in Albania, characterized by active citizen engagement, advocacy

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Preparation of Local Disaster Risk Reduction Strategies and Action Plans for the 6 Municipalities of Fieri Region.

Preparation of Local Disaster Risk Reduction Strategies and Action Plans for the 6 Municipalities of Fieri Region.

Albania is located in the Western Balkans and according to the World Risk Index (World Risk Index 2022), it is ranked 82 out of 192 countries in the world as the most exposed to natural disasters, as well as among the countries with a high vulnerability factor to them. The four main hazards affecting the country are earthquakes, floods, forest fires and landslides. The International Disaster Database (EM-DAT) shows that,

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First Meeting of the EFFORT Project Co-Beneficiaries

First Meeting of the EFFORT Project Co-Beneficiaries

(Shqip) Projekti EFFORT – “Përmirësimi i Objekteve për një të Ardhme me një Trajektore Optimale të Burimeve dhe Efikasitetit të Energjisë” është hapur me sukses si një iniciativë e financuar nga Bashkimi Evropian përmes programit IPA Crossborder Shqipëri-Kosovë