Thirrje për Aplikim në Skemën e Granteve

Në kuadër të projektit “Mushkëri të Gjelbra për Qytetet Tona: Platforma Alternative dhe Gjithpërfshirëse për Monitorimin e Cilësisë së Ajrit, Ndotjes nga Zhurmat dhe Gjelbërimit Urban për të ndikuar në Politika në Nivel Lokal”, ndajmë thirrjen për aplikim në skemën e granteve me të gjitha Organizatat e Shoqërisë Civile të interesuara. Afati i dorëzimit të aplikimit është 30 tetor 2018, ora 11:00. Kontakt: Dokumentet e thirrjes i gjeni këtu.

Co-PLAN hosts the kickoff meeting for the third phase of, an environmental network active in the Western Balkans and Turkey. The network, today accounts for to a total of nine member countries, and is supported by the European Commission in its objective to factor the environmental portfolio of the region on an EU level. During this third phase, the network will work on monitoring, advocating and awareness raising in

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Research and Citizens’ Science

Research and Citizens’ Science

Research and Citizen Science constitute foundational pillars of Co-PLAN’s mission, methodology, and project portfolio. Since its early days, Co-PLAN has been at the forefront of conducting rigorous research and leveraging citizen science initiatives to address complex socio-economic challenges, inform policymaking, and foster community engagement in Albania. Co-PLAN’s approach to research integrates academic rigor with practical applicability, ensuring that findings contribute directly to evidence-based policy recommendations and advocacy efforts. Research activities

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Environment and Climate Resilience

Environment and Climate Resilience

Co-PLAN excels in Environmental and Climate Resilience, demonstrating a profound commitment to sustainable environmental management and adaptive planning to combat the challenges posed by climate change. Our extensive project portfolio reflects a holistic approach to addressing environmental issues, fostering sustainability, and strengthening communities against the impacts of climate change. At the core of our expertise lies an integrated perspective on environmental management, encompassing territorial research, policy formulation, and capacity building.

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