Land Development in Albania – Challenges and Innovations
Annual Review of Territorial Governance in Albania, I, 2018, Page 55-68
Rudina Toto, Ledio Allkja
Annual Review of Territorial Governance in Albania, I, 2018, Page 55-68
Rudina Toto, Ledio Allkja
Annual Review of Territorial Governance in Albania, I, 2018, Page 38-54
Ledio Allkja
Annual Review of Territorial Governance in Albania, I, 2018, Page 24-37
Kejt Dhrami, Anila Bejko (Gjika)
Co-PLAN in 2017, took upon itself an initiative supported also by OSIFE through its program “Europianisation Beyond Process”, to expand its vision towards Albania`s Europianisation with focuss on erritorial governance policies in various levels on pourpose factoring in policies and EU debates. This initiative which is co-financed by Co-PLAN is aimed at building human infrastructure and strengthening the organisation in the upcoming challenges of intergation. To this extent, Co-PLAN uttilises
Annual Review of Territorial Governance in Albania, I, 2018, Page 08-23;
Fiona Imami, Anila Bejko (Gjika), Dritan Shutina
TG-WeB_Postion_Paper_On_Territorial Governance for Western Balkans_October_2018
You can read the Annual Report here.
Në kuadër të projektit “Mushkëri të Gjelbra për Qytetet Tona: Platforma Alternative dhe Gjithpërfshirëse për Monitorimin e Cilësisë së Ajrit, Ndotjes nga Zhurmat dhe Gjelbërimit Urban për të ndikuar në Politika në Nivel Lokal”, ndajmë thirrjen për aplikim në skemën e granteve me të gjitha Organizatat e Shoqërisë Civile të interesuara. Afati i dorëzimit të aplikimit është 30 tetor 2018, ora 11:00. Kontakt: Dokumentet e thirrjes i gjeni këtu.
You can read the full material here. Available in Albanian only.
On May 17-18, 2018, a workshop was held in Tirana with the aim to initiate a Western Balkan Network on Territorial Governance…