Inclusive [comprehensive] planning – Manual for Citizens and Authorities

  • Tuesday September 5th, 2017
  • Books
  • 5606

This manual attempts to bring in Albania a summary of international practical guidelines for inclusive planning, after being curated and adapted to the Albanian context. This curriculum is realized through the 20-years long experience of planners from Co-PLAN and Polis University in the field of inclusive and participatory planning and is enriched furthermore with the latest experience in this field in Albania, conducted by PLGP for the United States Agency for International Development USAID). The manual is built on the spirit of the Albanian community culture reality, while constantly referring to the planning legal and institutional basis in Albania.
The manual can be used by decision-makers in local authorities, by planning experts, institutions, professionals, planning and architecture students, as well as citizens, community groups and civil society as a whole. Each group can find information and guidance in the manual.

You can download the full manual here.

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