Planning and Catalytic investments for social cohesion and sustainable tourism development in Gramsh

  • Thursday September 7th, 2017
  • Closed
  • 7487

Implementation Period: June 2016- June 2018
Donor: Italian-Albanian Debt for Development Swap Agreement (IADSA)
Fund: 65,773,428 ALL
Implemented in: Municipality of Gramsh
Implemented by: Co-PLAN Institute for Habitat Development and Municipality of Gramsh

Starting from 2016 onwards, Co-PLAN in collaboration with the Municipality of Gramsh worked to implement the IADSA-supported project on social cohesion and sustainable tourism development. Following the approval and implementation of the Territorial Administrative Reform, the newly-formed municipality of Gramsh faces paramount and complex challenges, as it spans across a greater, diverse territory, be it from a topographic, land use, socio-economic composition perspective etc. As a result, one of the of main priorities identified for the overall development of the municipality, is the drafting of comprehensive strategic documents that will guide social, economic and territorial development. This project has an overall objective that seeks to contribute to the promotion of social cohesion on a territorial basis and supporting balanced regional development in the Municipality of Gramsh. In more specific terms, the project aims to:

  1. Boost social development in the Municipality of Gramsh through a guiding social development plan and catalytic interventions in the city center and the newly created waterfront area;
  2. Stimulate the development of sustainable tourism in the Municipality of Gramsh through a midterm municipal development strategy and aligned catalytic and promotional interventions.

You can find more information on the project through this link. Furthermore, through the hashtag #ejanëgrams (on various social media platforms) you can become part of the promotional campaign for tourism development and be informed on recent activities organized in the Municipality of Gramsh.

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