Integrated Waste Management Plans for the Municipalities of Puka and Malësia e Madhe

  • Wednesday September 6th, 2017
  • Closed
  • 3542

Implementation Period: February 2016 – December 2016
Donor: Swiss Development Cooperation/dldp
Fund: 49,827.00 EUR
Implemented in: the Municipalities of Puka and Malësia e Madhe
Implemented by: Co-PLAN and Metropolis

During September-October 2016, Co-PLAN and Metropolis supported municipalities of Puka and Malësia e Madhe in auditing the waste services as a first measure to start consolidation of the service after the implementation of the territorial and administrative reform. The processes included the initial findings from the Municipalities of Puka and Malësia e Madhe, field’s assessments, consultations with local authorities and recommendations of experts. Both municipalities, received technical assistance in planning and infrastructural support, in order to provide a better service provision.

Through an integrated approach and continuous support, the municipalities of Puka and Malësia e Madhe, elaborated and approved the integrated local waste management plans, which it is expected to lead local authorities to improve the performance of service delivery, extend the service coverage area and recover the costs. The projects drew and capitalized lessons which will contribute also to revise and improve tools in planning Solid Waste Management processes, financial management of the sector and communication with the citizens.

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