Expert/Company on Energy Efficiency Audit

  • Wednesday June 19th, 2024
  • 92

Project: EFFORT: Enhancing Facilities for a Future with an Optimal Resource and Energy Efficiency Trajectory ; Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development, within the EFFORT project announces the open procedure for “Expert/Company for Energy Audit on public buildings”. For additional information, please refer to the documents below: 0 Instruction to Tender Annex I_ Term of References Audit EE Annex II_ Organisation and Methodology Annex III_Working days Annex IV_Financial Offer DELIVERY OF

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Kontratë shërbimi për produkte print

  • Friday May 24th, 2024
  • 313

Projekti: Green AL II – Mbështetja e Organizatave Mjedisore të Shoqërisë Civile 2024 -2027 Co-PLAN, Instituti për Zhvillimin e Habitatit, në kuadër të projektit “Mbështetja e Organizatave Mjedisore të Shoqërisë Civile 2024 -2027 (Green-AL II)” planifikon të japë një kontratë shërbimi për “Printimin e botimeve dhe materialeve ndërgjegjësuese për aktivitetet dhe produktet e projektit Green-AL II”. Për informacion shtesë, ju lutemi referojuni dokumentit Green AL II-02 Tender Procedure_Printings Dokumentet e

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Call for Applications: Media Partner/ Expert

  • Friday May 3rd, 2024
  • 468

The project ‘SPARKs: Supporting Civic Activism and Advocacy Initiatives in Albania’ (SPARK) implemented by Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development, tackles the need to expand and strengthen the community of activists in Albania by enhancing their internal capacities to monitor, analyze, and undertake concrete actions contributing to tangible change to their communities or groups they represent. SPARK aims to promote and spread the culture of activism and advocacy nationwide by facilitating

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Call for Applications: Mental Health Expert

  • Friday May 3rd, 2024
  • 417

The project ‘SPARKs: Supporting Civic Activism and Advocacy Initiatives in Albania’ (SPARK) implemented by Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development, tackles the need to expand and strengthen the community of activists in Albania by enhancing their internal capacities to monitor, analyze, and undertake concrete actions contributing to tangible change to their communities or groups they represent. SPARK aims to promote and spread the culture of activism and advocacy nationwide by facilitating

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Invitation to tender for design and development of a webpage

  • Sunday March 10th, 2024
  • 588

Project: Supporting Environmental Civil Society Organizations 2024 – 2027 (Green-AL II) Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development, in view of the project “Supporting Environmental Civil Society Organizations 2024 – 2027 (Green-AL II)” plans to award a service contract for “Design and development of a webpage for the Green-AL II project”. For additional information, please refer to the terms of reference and financial offer document below: ToRs Financial Offer The deadline for

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