IT Expert on employment registration platforms and procedures for seasonal workers in Albania

  • Wednesday March 1st, 2023
  • 154

Main Tasks and Responsibilities, comprise direct engagement on “Better employment conditions for Seasonal Workers in Albania” project, and focus on the following activities and sub-activities: Prepare technical specifications (ToR) for adaption/development of software for e-registration of seasonal workers, which will include: Assess possibility to use the existing regional software on registration of seasonal workers and provide go/ no-go response, and evaluate specific technicalities to be used in the adaptation of the

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Thirrje për këshilltar teknik (inxhinier)

  • Sunday January 1st, 2023
  • 111

Co-PLAN, Instituti për Zhvillimin e Habitatit, në kuadër të projektit “BE për bashkitë” planifikon të angazhojë një ekspert, “Këshilltar Teknik”, me mbështetje nga Bashkimi Evropian. Dokumentacioni i thjeshtuar i tenderit dhe informacione shtesë mund të merret në: dhe Titulli i kontratës: Këshilltar Teknik Projekti: “BE për Bashkitë” (EU for Municipalities) Referenca e publikimit: EU4M – 24 Dokumentacioni i thjeshtuar i tenderit (klikoni mbi secilin dokument): Termat e referencës Terms of

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Short Term video-design expert

  • Wednesday September 7th, 2022
  • 112

Waste to Energy for Western Balkans Cement Industry is looking for a short Term video-design expert. The objective of this assignment is to design and produce a total of 2 videos that are informative for public at large with regard to waste management processes and alternative fuel production and usage in Western Balkans.   As such  this assignment  will specifically contribute  to one of  the  main  activities  of  the  project,  awareness raising for the recovery of urban waste among public at large and stakeholders in Albania,

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Feasibility and BAT Expert

  • Friday September 2nd, 2022
  • 94

Short Term expert on best available techniques (BAT) in cement industry, in the framework of the preparation of the feasibility study for the potential of production and use of RDF/SRF in the cement production industry. The main objective of the project “Waste to Energy for Western Balkans Cement Industry“ is to set the preconditions  for  the  use  of  household  waste,  industrial  waste  and  waste  tires  for  the  cement  production in

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Request for Expression of Interest

  • Tuesday July 12th, 2022
  • 161

Development of the architecture for a structured database of public data on revenues and expenditures of Albanian Municipalities and integration within the existing database. Co-PLAN is announcing a call for Expression of Interest to design the architecture for a database on public data on revenues and expenditures of Albanian municipalities and integration with the existing database. For an overview of the local finances, the platform refers to In 2015

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Legal Expert on Employment issues

  • Sunday June 12th, 2022
  • 92

For the last 3 years Co-PLAN, has been engaged in pushing forward a potential reform on seasonal worker’s issues in Albania, through “Better employment conditions for Seasonal Workers in Albania”, a project financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), through the GIZ programme “Open Regional Fund for South East Europe – Modernization of Municipal Services”. The overall objective of the project is to increase seasonal

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Stakeholder’s Engagement and Policy Expert on Employment issues

  • Wednesday June 1st, 2022
  • 89

Main Tasks and Responsibilities, comprise direct engagement on “Better employment conditions for Seasonal Workers in Albania” project, and focus on the following activities and sub-activities: Draft Policy paper on Seasonal Worker’s issues in Albania in the perspective of stakeholder’s engagement Draft a policy paper on the necessity of undertaking a Policy on Seasonal Worker’s in Albania Discuss policy arrangements with relevant institutional stakeholder’s in close collaboration with the project team

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IT Expert on Employment Registration Platforms

  • Friday May 20th, 2022
  • 94

Main Tasks and Responsibilities, comprise direct engagement on “Better employment conditions for Seasonal Workers in Albania” project, and focus on the following activities and sub-activities: Mapping and assessing the existing electronic system(s) in place related to labor issues and citizen’s verification: Undertake an initial overview of the existing databases and software / portals – such as those managed by the tax administration, social insurance, business registry and similar which may

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