Ekspert i Mjedisit
Co-Plan kërkon të punësojë një menaxher projekti dhe ekspert mjedisi
Co-Plan kërkon të punësojë një menaxher projekti dhe ekspert mjedisi
Civil Society and Communications Expert Are you passionate about driving positive change in civil society through impactful communication strategies? Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development, is seeking a dynamic individual to join our team as a Civil Society and Communications Expert. About Us: At Co-PLAN, we’ve been at the forefront of sustainable development since 1995, empowering communities, influencing policies, and fostering civil society engagement. We believe in creating tangible social transformations
The project ‘SPARKs: Supporting Civic Activism and Advocacy Initiatives in Albania’ (SPARK) implemented by Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development, tackles the need to expand and strengthen the community of activists in Albania by enhancing their internal capacities to monitor, analyze, and undertake concrete actions contributing to tangible change to their communities or groups they represent. SPARK aims to promote and spread the culture of activism and advocacy nationwide by facilitating
The project ‘SPARKs: Supporting Civic Activism and Advocacy Initiatives in Albania’ (SPARK) implemented by Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development, tackles the need to expand and strengthen the community of activists in Albania by enhancing their internal capacities to monitor, analyze, and undertake concrete actions contributing to tangible change to their communities or groups they represent. SPARK aims to promote and spread the culture of activism and advocacy nationwide by facilitating
Project: Supporting Environmental Civil Society Organizations 2024 – 2027 (Green-AL II) Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development, in view of the project “Supporting Environmental Civil Society Organizations 2024 – 2027 (Green-AL II)” plans to award a service contract for “Design and development of a webpage for the Green-AL II project”. For additional information, please refer to the terms of reference and financial offer document below: ToRs Financial Offer The deadline for
CoPlan i hiring an Expert on Civil Society and Gender
Main Tasks and Responsibilities, comprise direct engagement on “Better employment conditions for Seasonal Workers in Albania” project, and focus on the following activities and sub-activities: Prepare technical specifications (ToR) for adaption/development of software for e-registration of seasonal workers, which will include: Assess possibility to use the existing regional software on registration of seasonal workers and provide go/ no-go response, and evaluate specific technicalities to be used in the adaptation of the
Main Duties and Responsibilities Carry out activities related to projects in the field of spatial planning; urban resilience; disaster risk reduction, territorial governance. Undertake data collection, entry, mining, computation and processing at municipal and regional level using GIS applications, et al. Qualification and skills: University educational background (3+2 or 5 integrated diploma) in one of the following fields: spatial and urban planning, urban management, environmental management and/or education from which
Co-PLAN, Instituti për Zhvillimin e Habitatit, në kuadër të projektit “BE për bashkitë” planifikon të angazhojë një ekspert, “Këshilltar Teknik”, me mbështetje nga Bashkimi Evropian. Dokumentacioni i thjeshtuar i tenderit dhe informacione shtesë mund të merret në: www.eu4municipalities.al dhe www.co-plan.org Titulli i kontratës: Këshilltar Teknik Projekti: “BE për Bashkitë” (EU for Municipalities) Referenca e publikimit: EU4M – 24 Dokumentacioni i thjeshtuar i tenderit (klikoni mbi secilin dokument): Termat e referencës Terms of
Main duties and responsibilities include: Engage in current projects covered by the Unit, in administrative and content-related tasks; Contribute to the preparation of analysis and reports in the fields of economy and finances; Contribute to the continuous improvement and enrichment of databases; Organize and/or participate in activities (workshops, technical meetings etc.); Contribute to Units research activities (such as desk research, surveys etc.); Contribute to generating visual materials (graphics, informative images,