Green-AL “Supporting Environmental Civil Society Organizations 2024 – 2027”

Green-AL “Supporting Environmental Civil Society Organizations 2024 – 2027” aims to expand on the knowledge, insight and achievements of Green-AL  “Empower Grass-Root CSOs for Improved Innovative Environmental Protection in Albania”, while directing its focus into the further empowerment of CSOs in Albania, towards tackling three main themes: Climate, Pollution and Nature.

Its main objective is to nurture and further empower Albanian environmental CSOs for effective participation and contribution vis a vie EU acquis and negotiations processes in Albania, as well as proactively contribute to address, through advocacy, policy-influencing and evidence-based data monitoring, the environmental challenges from local to national levels.

To achieve this, Green-AL  partners will focus on 3 main pillars:

(i) Further strengthening the role of environmental CSOs in Albania, by increasing their capacities and capabilities through thematic trainings, guided mentoring and financial support via Grant Schemes.

(ii) Increasing synergies among the CSOs sector in Albania through the establishment of a CSOs Network in Albania and, as a result, improve their presence and peer pressure during important policy making processes. This will be done in order to build on the long-standing partnerships of environmental CSOs and the quadruple helix actors, while jointly contributing to improved policy making processes at the local or national level.

(iii) Contributing to an increased awareness and accountability regarding the three key environmental themes of Green-AL. Green-AL’s continuation offers the possibility to increase the region’s resilience by in turn, raising awareness on the importance of advocacy, and evidenced based data monitoring. In this pillar Green-AL efforts will focus on activities that increase the CSOs capacities in evidence-based monitoring and further incentivising their presence to increase awareness and accountability among stakeholders (both institutional and non-institutional) and public at large, at various territorial levels.

To support successful achievements of conducted activities and enhance the project’s outreach, Green-AL will also have a web platform, that will serve as a tool to facilitate the establishment of the Environmental CSOs network, reflect on the activities conducted under this project, and further raise awareness among interested stakeholders and citizens through provision of enriched monitoring data on the three key themes under Green-AL.

Implemented by:
Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development (leading partner)
VIS Albania (Volontariato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo)
COSV (Coordinamento delle Organizzazioni per il Servizio)

Financed by:
Sida (Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency)

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