Circular City Labs – Tirana Open Call

CCL-Tirana launched the call for ideas for economically viable reuse solutions aiming at reduction of greenhouse gas emissions through waste prevention in the city of Tirana. While recognizing the key role women play for sustainable consumption, this project addresses predominantly female-led businesses and partners.

Do you represent a business in the sectors of HoReCa, retail & grocery, E-commerce and IT, logistics, event management that is interested in integrating reusable packaging into the business models, but also operating in Tirana ? Or are you a start-up, entrepreneur, researcher or CSO with an innovative idea for reusable packaging system solutions? If so, this is a great opportunity for you!
Important dates:

1- Deadline to apply, to become part of the CCL Tirana Hackathon –> June 5
2- CCL-Tirana Hackathon –> Mid-June
3- CCL- Tirana Accelerator –> June – November 2024
4- CCL- Tirana Piloting of Solutions –> December 24 – May 2025

Don’t miss out on the chance to embark in an innovation journey of circularity, exchange and network, to receive training and benefit funds made available from a joint effort of the European Union and Germany via (1) Circular City Labs Project (2) EU for Circular Economy and Circular Economy for Sustainable Urban Development and (3) EU4Innovation programmes in partnership with the Municipality of Tirana.

For more information:

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