“Regional Leadership 2024” Special Award Ceremony

Regional Leadership 2024 – Mr. Dritan Abazović

For almost twenty years, the Co-PLAN Institute for Habitat Development has been awarding the “Albanian Leadership Award” to promote values ​​and good examples in society in Government, Media, Civil Society, and Business.

For some years now, Co-PLAN has been collaborating closely with POLIS University to award the “Special Leadership Award” to prominent figures who have had a broad impact on the region.

This year, this award went to Mr. Dritan Abazović, a prominent political figure and not only. Mr. Abazović – is a political scientist and the author of two books: “Cosmopolitan Culture and Global Justice” and “A Critique of Global Ethics.” With a rich experience in socio-political sciences and a successful political career, Dritan Abazović has influenced many areas of public life. His extensive activity includes publishing many scientific papers in national and international journals.

Mr. Abazović is the first former Albanian Prime Minister in Montenegro. He has channeled his energies and public commitment, contributing to the consolidation of the state, coexistence, and democracy in Montenegro and the region. He is a thriving intellectual and seeker in socio-political sciences and development as a whole, with a rich experience of public engagement at the local and international level, investing his energies in Montenegro and the Western Balkans. Mr. Abazović is a visionary leader and supporter of civic and academic initiatives and state projects for freedoms and human rights. He has worked for better regional cooperation, especially in areas related to European integration. He has supported initiatives that build bridges of collaboration and promote close ties in the region.

Mr. Abazović is a supporter of the initiatives of the Co-PLAN Institute and the POLIS University for the creation of a shared vision of spatial development between the cross-border regions of Albania and Montenegro, as well as the promoter of the Buna River Bridge Project, as an effort with tremendous potential to strengthen tourism and development in Albania, Montenegro, and the region. Also, an initiator of public and political interest debates and humanitarian missions to resolve crises in the region and beyond.

Among other things, Mr.  Abazović has valuable experiences as a citizen in Montenegro, including as the head of the Bureau for Operational Coordination (2021) of the Council for Combating Corruption (2021-2022) of the Council for the Rights of the Child (2022); of the National Security Council (2022 and many others. In addition, Mr. Abazović was awarded honorary doctorates for his leadership and contribution to the rule of law and promotion of peace and stability in the region by several universities in Albania, Kosovo, Turkey, and Switzerland.

The “Regional Leadership” ceremony took place at Polis University, with Mr. Abazović and well-known political figures such as former Minister of Interior and Defense Filip Adžić, staff of Co—Plan, and Polis University staff and students participating.

Moments with Mr. Abazović during the “Regional Leadership 2024” ceremony.

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