Building up Governance Pathways for Just Energy Transition: The case of North Macedonia – Policy Brief
This publication is written in the framework of the GreenFORCE Project.
This publication is written in the framework of the GreenFORCE Project.
The launch of the Journal of Regenerative Economics (JRE) signifies the opening of a crucial dialogue that extends beyond academic circles to address broader societal challenges.
You can read the Annual Report here.
In July 2024, a significant fire broke out at the Vlora waste disposal site near the city center, located in the southern region of Albania.
This document presents the interim findings of the comprehensive assessment of the costs, benefits, and impacts of (just) green transition in the Western Balkans (WB), designed in the framework of the GreenFORCE project
This comparative report is the third deliverable of WP4—Measuring and assessing impacts and costs of a just green transition in the Western Balkans (WB) – of the GreenFORCE project.
This policy document aims to provide an overview of the current situation and progress of innovation and smart specialization in Western Balkan countries (WBC).
This policy brief presents a framework for using citizen science as a powerful tool to empower local and…
This document presents Deliverable 4.1– Report on implemented RRI ‘anchor’ initiative in the Kune- Vain-Tale Lagoon wetland ecosystem.
These Thematic Studies are a product developed by the implementing partners of the Green-AL…