Invitation to Tender

Contract title: Invitation to Tender for “Realisation of a series of Case Study Clips and short documentary based on Dialogue for inclusive evidence-based policy development in Albania funded projects (sub-grantees from call 3)’ Project: ideal ‘Dialogue for inclusive policy-development in Albania’ Publication Ref: IPA/2019/413-608 5.8.1 Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development, in view of the project “‘Dialogue for inclusive policy-development in Albania’” plans to award a service contract for “Realisation of

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Stories of Activism

Stories of Activism

Co-PLAN, the Institute for Habitat Development organized an event to present the work done by all the activists participating in the #shkendija program…

Protected Areas Forum

Protected Areas Forum

The “Forum of Protected Areas” was held on January 26, where sharp topics related to the protection of nature in Albania were discussed…

Kërkohen #shkëndija

Vepro kudo je, dhe si mundesh. Bashkoju nismës #shkëndija. Një shkëndijë ndez një mal! A jeni një organizatë e re, një grup entuziast, apo dhe një individ plot energji kudo në Shqipëri që dëshironi të ndryshoni gjërat për mirë, aty ku jetoni, apo të ngrini një problem që ju shqetëson? A ka diçka që mund të jetë më mire në përditshmërinë tuaj dhe në vendin ku jetoni? Nisma #shkëndija synon

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GreenFORCE, Foster Research Excellence for Green Transition in the Western Balkans

GreenFORCE, Foster Research Excellence for Green Transition in the Western Balkans

GreenFORCE, is an EU-Horizon2020 funded project, aiming at fostering excellence in the “Western Balkans’ green transition” scientific research and innovation of Co-PLAN (Albania), CEA (North Macedonia), and UB-GEF (Serbia), as a means to enhancing their research profile, strengthening research and management capacities of their staff, and contributing to convergence between Western Balkans (WB) and EU research capacities.This objective is reached through the twinning partnership of five organizations that will work

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Invitation to Tender – Multimedia Equipment

Contract title: Invitation to tender for “the procurement of multimedia equipment to be used for the purposes of the Sparking Activism Initiatives Locally project” Project:  Sparking Activism Initiatives Locally project” Publication Ref: 25112022/ SAIL Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development, in view of the project ‘Sparking Activism Initiatives Locally project’ plans to award a procurement contract for “Invitation to tender for “the purchasing of multimedia equipment to be used for the

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National Activism Day: #NAD2022

National Activism Day: #NAD2022

The National Day of Activism (#NAD2022) was celebrated by all on the 21st and 22nd of October. Organizations, associations, groups and activists from all over Albania…