57th World Planning Congress

57th World Planning Congress

The International Society of City and Regional Planners’ (ISOCARP) 57th World Planning Congress taking place on 8-11 November 2021…

Green-AL – Empower Grass-Root CSOs for Improved Innovative Environmental Protection in Albania

Green-AL – Empower Grass-Root CSOs for Improved Innovative Environmental Protection in Albania

The Green-AL “Empower Grass-Root CSOs for Improved Innovative Environmental Protection in Albania” is funded by SIDA the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) and implemented by Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development as leading partner, in cooperation with  CISP Sviluppo dei Popoli, VIS Albania, and COSV – Cooperazione per lo Sviluppo. This project aims to contribute to the improvement and empowerment of environmental organizations and to influence the promotion of cooperation

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Embedding RRI in Western Balkan Countries: Enhancement of Self-Sustaining R&I Ecosystems

Embedding RRI in Western Balkan Countries: Enhancement of Self-Sustaining R&I Ecosystems

Co-PLAN is part of yet another Horizon 2020 project,  titled “Embedding RRI in Western Balkan Countries: Enhancement of Self-Sustaining R&I Ecosystems”. The overall aim of WBC-RRI.NET is to foster the application of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) principles at the territorial level in Western Balkan Countries (WBCs), so as to then promote a multi-level steering R&I governance framework. The RRI principles will act as enablers to the shared learning and

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Thirrje për projekt propozime

Thirrje për projekt propozime

Co-PLAN, Instituti për Zhvillimin e Habitatit shpall ‘Thirrje për Projekt Propozime’ në kuadër të projektit ‘ ideAL – Dialog për Zhvillim Politikash Gjithëpërfshirëse në Shqipëri’…

Inducing local economic development in underserved areas through the establishment of a Livestock Market and Educational Laboratory for Sustainable Livestock Farming in the Municipality of Lushnje

Inducing local economic development in underserved areas through the establishment of a Livestock Market and Educational Laboratory for Sustainable Livestock Farming in the Municipality of Lushnje

The proposed project set forth by the Municipality of Lushnje in partnership with Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development in response to the Italian-Albanian Debt for Development Swap Agreement (IADSA), has a set overall objective that seeks to support sustainable, local development and promote green economy based on livestock farming and trading activity in the Municipality of Lushnje. In more specific terms, the project aims to: Boost local economic development through

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