Just Green Transition in the Western Balkans – Overcoming Transitions Fatigue
This policy brief aims to increase clarity of what are the practical implications of JGT for the WB…
This policy brief aims to increase clarity of what are the practical implications of JGT for the WB…
National Activism Day – #NAD is a dedicated day to cherishing civic activism of all forms…
On July 18, the team of the planning and territorial governance unit conducted a focus group…
The Local Public Finances – Status Report 2022 provides a detailed overview of local revenues and expenditures, indicators of decentralisation and the events that…
Albania is an important point of biodiversity in Europe, but it faces many challenges. The preservation of nature requires a coordination of the actions…
This document represents D2.1 “Report on WB regional issues related to urban development” of SmartWB project funded by the European Commission’s Erasmus+ Programme ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CBHE
The first Research Advisory Board (RAB) Meeting of the GreenFORCE project was held in Tirana, Albania on March 31st – April 1st, 2023.
Contract title: ‘Realisation of video clips documenting activism initiatives across Albania’ Project: Sparking Activism Initiatives Locally III – #shkëndija Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development, in view of the ‘Sparking Activism Initiatives Locally III – #shkëndija’ project plans to award a service contract for the realisation of 20 video clips, with financial assistance of the Public Affairs Office at the US Embassy in Tirana. The deadline for submission of applications is
Activists from all over Albania attended Workshop No. 4 of the #shkendija Program, entitled “How to make it happen?”,…
During the dates from April 25 to 28, 2023, within the framework of the project “Better opportunities for seasonal workers in Southeast Europe”,…