Program for Transparent and Professional medium term budgeting for Local Governance in Albania, Local – Phase II

Program for Transparent and Professional medium term budgeting for Local Governance in Albania, Local – Phase II

  • Wednesday September 6th, 2017
  • Closed
  • 2499

Implementation Period: November 2011 – 2012 Donor: The Think Tank Fund of the OSI, Budapest Fund: 122,710 USD Implemented in: Berat, Fier, Lezhë and Korça Municipality Implemented by: Co-PLAN The “Program for transparent and professional medium term budgeting for local governance in Albania Local – Phase II” continued its implementation during 2012. The project, which builds on Co-PLAN’s experience in supporting the municipalities of Berat, Fier, Lezha and Korça to

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Social Sustainability Audit

Social Sustainability Audit

  • Wednesday September 6th, 2017
  • Closed
  • 2827

Implementation Period: July 2012 – March 2013 Donor: World Bank Institute Fund: 109,890 USD Implemented in: Durrës (AL) Prishtina (KS), Skopje (MK), Sarajevo and Banja Luka (BiH) Implemented by: Co-PLAN The ‘Social Sustainability Audit”, financed by the World Bank, and implemented in partnership by Co-PLAN and the Institute for International Urban Development (US) had in focus the challenge of sustainable development and social marginalisation . The project, which was simultaneously

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Book Translation Program

Book Translation Program

  • Wednesday September 6th, 2017
  • Closed
  • 2613

Implementation Period: 2012 – 2013 Donor: US Embassy Fund: 25,000 $ Implemented in: Albania Implemented by: Co-PLAN The engagement of Co-PLAN in research and knowhow has been an inseparable part of the activities at project level and organizational level. This commitment gained a new dimension with the creation of a synergy with POLIS University, International School of Architecture and Urban Development Policy in 2006, together contributing to the creation of

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Making Policies Work – Program for Applied Policy Research Open Society Institute support

Making Policies Work – Program for Applied Policy Research Open Society Institute support

  • Wednesday September 6th, 2017
  • Closed
  • 3460

The MPW will influence the policy-making arena in Albania through the development of three themes for applied policy research, respectively: 1. Public Administration in Albania – Territorial Administration 2. Transfer of State Property to Local Government – Public Asset Management 3. Empowering Environmental Management at Local and Regional Level 4. Housing Industry in Albania 5. Property Tax for Innovative Municipal Finances in Albania All three themes are connected with the

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Policy Document for the Territorial Development of Bushat Commune

Policy Document for the Territorial Development of Bushat Commune

  • Wednesday September 6th, 2017
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  • 2840

Implementation Period: April, 2012 – October 2012 Donor: Assist Impact, SKL International Fund: 19, 500 Euro Implemented in: Commune of Bushat Implemented by: Co-PLAN In line with the new territorial planning law in Albania no. 10119 and with the support of the Albanian Association of Communes, the Commune of Bushat initiated, in April 2012, the preparation of the Policy for Territorial Development document. This initiative was supported by the project

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Public Private Partnership for Municipal Street Lighting

Public Private Partnership for Municipal Street Lighting

  • Wednesday September 6th, 2017
  • Closed
  • 3483

Implementation Period: April, 2013 – 2014 Donor: Assist Impact, USAID Fund: 3,581,000 ALL Implemented in: Municipality of Fier, Albania Implemented by: Co-PLAN Based on previous practices and in the context of PPP Sector development in Albania, Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development, in line with the USAID Program Objective – Strengthened rule of law and Improved Governance – and with the support provided by Assist Impact, undertook a project that aimed

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Solid Waste Component: Develop inter-LGU and Composting Models Based on Practices in the Puka Area

Solid Waste Component: Develop inter-LGU and Composting Models Based on Practices in the Puka Area

  • Wednesday September 6th, 2017
  • Closed
  • 2465

Decentralization and Local Development Program Implementation Period: 2014 – 2015 Donor: HELVETAS SWISS INTERCOOPERATION Albania – (dldp) Fund: 21,777 EUR Implemented in: Puka Area Implemented by: Co-PLAN and Metro_POLIS shpk, Architecture and Planning Studio “Develop inter-LGU and composting models based on practices, Puka area” aims to improve waste management service in the area of Puka in line with the national legislation and policy. The project is in line with goal,

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Solid Waste Component: Develop inter-LGU model based on practices in the area of Malësia e Madhe

Solid Waste Component: Develop inter-LGU model based on practices in the area of Malësia e Madhe

  • Wednesday September 6th, 2017
  • Closed
  • 2542

Decentralization and Local Development Program Implementation Period: 2014 – 2015 Donor: HELVETAS SWISS INTERCOOPERATION Albania – (dldp) Fund: 16,404 EUR Implemented in: Malësia e Madhe Implemented by: Co-PLAN and Metro_POLIS shpk, Architecture and Planning Studio “Develop inter-LGU model based on practices in the area of Malësia e Madhe” aims to improve the waste management service in the area of Malësia e Madhe in line with the national legislation and policy.

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Integrated Waste Management Plans for the Municipalities of Puka and Malësia e Madhe

Integrated Waste Management Plans for the Municipalities of Puka and Malësia e Madhe

  • Wednesday September 6th, 2017
  • Closed
  • 3088

Implementation Period: February 2016 – December 2016 Donor: Swiss Development Cooperation/dldp Fund: 49,827.00 EUR Implemented in: the Municipalities of Puka and Malësia e Madhe Implemented by: Co-PLAN and Metropolis During September-October 2016, Co-PLAN and Metropolis supported municipalities of Puka and Malësia e Madhe in auditing the waste services as a first measure to start consolidation of the service after the implementation of the territorial and administrative reform. The processes included

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Regional Development Program Northern Albania

Regional Development Program Northern Albania

  • Wednesday September 6th, 2017
  • Closed
  • 3651

Implementation period: January 2011 – December 2014 Donor: Austrian Development Agency (ADA) and the Swiss Development and Cooperation Agency (SDC) Fund: 386.300 Euros Implemented in: Region of Shkodra, Lezha, Albania Implemented by: ÖAR, Intercooperation and Co-PLAN The “Program for Regional Development Northern Albania” comes as an effort to actively support regional development in the regions Shkodra- Lezha, where disparities between urban-rural populations are even bigger. This program is supported by

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