Ediorial: Adaptive Territorial Governance in the Face of COVID-19

Annual Review of Territorial Governance in the Western Balkans, II, 2020, 08-18 Journal Giancarlo Cotella Summary During the last few decades, extreme weather events and global and regional economic crises have been forcing us to rethink the way that governments approach territorial development.The inherent links between social, economic, and ecological systems are proving to be increasingly significant, and exist only in a complex whole characterised by multiple feedbacks (Berkes et al. 2002). In this

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Sparking Activism Initiatives Locally

Sparking Activism Initiatives Locally

Sparking Activism Initiatives Locally – SAIL is implemented by Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development as part of the ‘Advocacy and Watchdog Role of Civil Society’ Program, supported by the Public Affairs Office at the US Embassy in Tirana. SAIL builds on the bequest of the 2016 initiated ‘Kindle Advocacy’ project, and tackles the need for the newly emerging activists and civil society organisations to articulate evidence-based responses in influencing policy-making

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