Pollution in Tirana: GreenAL publishes the Annual Alternative Report
Green-AL, implemented by Co-PLAN, organized the event “GreenAL: Publication of Environmental Findings, Grant Awarding, and Networking”. During the event, the findings of the annual alternative Air Quality and Noise Pollution Report in Tirana for 2024 were presented, along with the announcement of the winning projects from the call for Thematic and Regional Grants. At the end of the event, the GreenAL network of civil society organizations was officially established.
Annual Alternative Report on Pollution in Tirana
Over the past year, 13 monitoring stations were selected to assess pollution in Tirana: (Center, Train Station, Pyramid, New Bazaar, Kavaja Street, 21-Dhjetori Intersection, Zogu i Zi, Boulevard, Medreseja, Bardhyl Street, Mihal Grameno School, Italia Square, Dinamo Stadium). The results from the monitoring period (August-December) show that some stations reported that carbon dioxide (CO₂), PM₂.₅, PM₁₀, NO₂, and noise levels exceeding acceptable limits. To read the full report, click here.
Winners of Thematic and Regional Grants
The event also included the grant-signing ceremony for the winners of Thematic and Regional Grants. These grants provide financial support to civil society organizations (CSOs) in Albania with expertise in climate, nature, and pollution-related topics. The winning organizations are:
Thematic and Regional Grant Winners:
- Center for Transparency and Free Information (Qendra për Transparencë dhe Informim të Lirë)
- Albanian Center for Development and Integration (Qendra Shqiptare për Zhvillim dhe Integrim)
- Center “Fol”
- Resource Environmental Center Albania (REC Albania)
- Social Center for People in Need (QSNNN)
- AGROPUKA Association (AP)
- Youth Movement for Democracy, Puka (Qendra “Lëvizja Rinore për Demokraci”
- Ecological Club, Lezhë (Klubi Ekologjik)
- Ecological Vision for the Shkodra Region (Vizioni Ekologjik për Rajonin e Shkodrës)
- Opportunity Balance and Overcoming
- Social Inclusion for Development
- Young Environmental Experts Association (SHERM Albania) (Shoqata Ekspertët e Rinj Mjedisor)
- Agro-Eko Dibra
- Changing the Future Center
- Milieukontakt Albania Foundation
- Trees for Lurë
- National Forestry Agency (AKP)
- New Era Center (Epoka e Re)
- Vento di Terra, Albania
- New Impact
- H2H Foundation
- North Green Association
- Art Kontakt
Memorandum of Cooperation for the GreenAL CSO Network
At the end of the event, the Memorandum of Cooperation was signed to establish the GreenAL Civil Society Organization Network. This network aims to strengthen cooperation between environmental CSOs, other non-environmental CSOs, experts, activists, and other stakeholders, supporting collective efforts to raise awareness and develop joint initiatives on environmental challenges.
The event featured welcome remarks from Anila Bejko (Gjika), Executive Director of Co-PLAN, and Erik Illes, Deputy Head of Mission and Head of Development Cooperation at the Embassy of Sweden in Albania.
This activity was organized under the GreenAL project “Supporting Environmental Civil Society Organizations,” funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) with funds from the Swedish Government. It is implemented by Co-PLAN, the Institute for Habitat Development, in collaboration with VIS Albania and COSV – Cooperazione per lo Sviluppo.