Co-Creating Responsible Research and Innovation Activities: Experiences from the Western Balkans

The Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) approach aims to encourage societal actors to work together during the whole research and innovation (R&I) process, to better align R&I and its outcomes with the values, needs and expectations of society. Experience gathered in several projects dedicated to RRI1 shows that strategies and practices based on RRI can open up R&I to all relevant actors, and improve co-operation between science and society, fostering the recruitment of new talent, and pairing scientific excellence with social awareness and responsibility.

WBC-RRI.NET and the co-creation which took place in the first half of the project provided the consortium with new experiences, insights, and lessons learned leading to recommendations for the quadruple helix in the region addressing stakeholders in government, research and academia, the private sector and civil society.

To read the full Policy Brief click here.

This publication was written in the framework of the WBC-RRI.NET Project.

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