The team of planning and territorial governance unit conducts a focus group with residents and key persons of the Kune-Vain lagoon community

On July 18, the team of the planning and territorial governance unit conducted a focus group with residents and key persons of the Kune-Vain lagoon community. This meeting takes place within the Horizon 2020 project ‘ Embedding Responsible Research and Innovation in the Western Balkans’ and aimed to present the first findings of the pilot initiative in this area.

Co-PLAN, together with the Ministry of Tourism and Environment, is developing a mapping and assessment process of some of the ecosystem services of the lagoon, with two main objectives:

Increasing the capacity of ADZM Lezhë for the management and implementation of sustainable practices for the lagoon

Awareness and education of the lagoon community on the values ​​it offers in the context of climate change.



During this focus group, the results of the Census conducted on the households living within the lagoon’s influence zone were presented, and a preliminary assessment of the lessons learned from this process was made, including specific recommendations from residents and representatives of the area’s fishing and restaurant entities. Next, the findings will be presented in a workshop with the participation of the entire quadruple helix, which will take place in September 2023.

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