Status Report of Local Government Finances 2015

  • Monday November 7th, 2016
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It is with utmost pleasure that we share with you our most recent analysis on the status of local government finances in 2015. “The Status Report of Local Government Finances in 2015”, is the first report which summarises in a consolidated manner the data for all 61 municipalities following the Territorial and Administrative Reform.

The data, sourced from the Ministry of Finances, detailed for 61 municipalities has been processed to produce a number of indicators, which offer an insight into the overall financial management of the municipalities in Albania. In addition to the basic indicators on revenues and expenditures, financial management has been analysed from a performance perspective, assessing various aspects, such as: fiscal capacity and autonomy, expenditure composition and efficiency, public services provision vis-à-vis what it costs us (the citizens). The report can be accessed here.  For additional research and analyses, you can access the database on

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