Forumi i Kryebashkiakëve për Transformim Urban

Për herë të parë organizohet në Tiranë “Forumi i Kryebashkiakëve për Transformimin Urban”, për të mundësuar diskutimin e hapur mes pushtetit qendror, njësive të qeverisjes vendore dhe profesionistëve. Aktiviteti Kombëtar është organizuar nga Ministria e Zhvillimit Urban dhe Turizmit dhe Agjencia Kombëtare e Planifikimit të Territorit, në bashkëpunim me Projektin e USAID “Për Planifikim dhe Qeverisje Vendore”(PLGP) dhe Universiteti Polis, në kuadër të “Javëve të Arkitekturës në Tiranë 2014”. Forumi zhvillohet më 29 dhe 30 Shtator në orën 09.00 në Universitetin Polis.


Tirana, June 2012 – Co-PLAN joined in the US Embassy [in Tirana] Call to encourage the citizens to come together and speak up. ‘Bëj të dëgjohet zëri yt’ marks the first step of this new initiative undertaken by the US Ambassador in Tirana, Mr. Alexander A. Arvizu, entitled ‘ACT NOW – Albanian Citizens Together Now’. At first, Ambassador Arvizu introduced his initiative to representatives of civil society, notable personalities in the country and media representatives in a meeting held at the National Theatre. He stressed the importance of the citizen knowing his rights and responsibilities, as well as becoming a proactive part of city-making and decision-making.

Dialogue among the SEE Cities

Tirana, June 2012 – 90 participants from eight different South-East Eauropean (SEE) states were brought together to a workshop on Urban Planning and Land Managementwith a focus on modernizing legal and regulatory framework for spatial and land use planning in SEE. The workshop was organized by the World Bank Institute, as part of the City-to-City  (C2C) Dialogues, which is an incentive under the WB-Austria Urban Partnership Program (UPP) launched  in December 2011. The overarching objective of the C2C is to facilitate a dialogue and peer-learning among city practitioners.

Reappropriation of the City

Tirana, September 2012 – POLIS University in collaboration with Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development, and the Municipality of Tirana are organizing for the first time the ‘Tirana Architecture Weeks’. In this line, a series of activities, exhibitions, urban actions, workshop, and a four-day-conference on Re-appropriation of the city will be held. The regional-conference is organized by Co-PLAN in collaboration with POLIS University, EXPEDITIO and Kor-CSD, and will focus on the transformation of City Squares, as one of the key events of the Tirana Architecture Weeks.

Fiscal Decentralization Conference

Tirana, October 4, 2012 – Today, the USAID Planning and Local Governance Project in Albania” (PLGP) holds the Conference on Fiscal Decentralization. Working both at the national policy level and at the local level, PLGP aims to promote an inclusive dialogue and help build a bipartisan consensus on issues of strategic importance to local governments. Attendees include: the US Ambassador Alexander Arvizu, the Albanian Prime Minister Sali Berisha, Mayors of PLGP partner LGUs, representatives from Ministries of Interior and Finance, donor community working in local governance and NGOs.

The Story of the 4 Apartments

Four stories of four apartments in Tirana, two from the communist period, 1950/90’s and two constructed after 1990’s, were at the center of an exhibition organized in the premises of Polis University, displaying and analyzing functional changes, how they have influenced on the users quality of life and how are they related with the general conditions in the society in that period. This exhibition is a section of a broader research: “Quality of life change the quality of space”, conducted in cooperation with Co-Plan Institute for habitat development, through the project of research studies on the topic of “The Typology of Albanian Housing in its Balkan Context”.

Completion of the MATRA Project

The successful completion of the project “Fostering Partnerships For Equitable Cities – Capacity building for participatory spatial planning“, has been celebrated together with distinguished guests and His Excellency Martin dela Beij, Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Tirana. Over the past three years, the Dutch government  (MATRA) funded project has worked to promote participatory neighbourhood planning, and develop capacity building in spatial development. To this end, Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development, have worked in close cooperation with the Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS), and POLIS University, piloting the project in the municipalities of Durrës, Shkodër and Fier.

Environmental Film Festival

The future of the environment where we live, is closely related to our future. In conditions of rapid urban development where environmental impact is becoming more visible, environmental protection has become a necessity. In order stimulate an environmentally aware culture, the first edition of the Environmental Film Festival in Albania, was held between 22-25 May. The Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Administration in Albania, supported by the Delegation of the European GIZ chose film, workshops and an exhibition to convey the message to the audience in the capital and in the cities of Vlora, Pogradec, Shkodra, etc. Co-PLAN airtime brought two short films, as well as an exhibition ‘retrospective’ to highlight how consumer behavior has changed Albanians in years, with corresponding impact on the environment.

New Practices for Land Management in Albania

In frame of ‘Fostering partnerships for equitable cities – Capacity building for participatory spatial planning’ project, implemented jointly by Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development, and IHS – Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies, Rotterdam, a new publication was launched, entitled ‘New Practices for Land Management in Albania’. Similarly to the project, which was funded by the Dutch Government under the MATRA program, the book aims to contribute to capacity building of public institutions and professionals alike, for a better governance. This publication, builds upon and furthers Co-PLAN’s continuous efforts for the implementation of the law ‘On Territorial Planning’. amended recently.

Co-PLAN’s Proposal on the Regionalisation of Albania

Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development based on the analytical work conducted over the years, at least since 2005, and also in line with the role of this organization as part of the ‘Regional Development Program in Northern Albania’ project, is pleased to share with you the proposal: ‘The Regionalisation of Albania: The governance, administrative and territorial reform that Albania needs’. This document reflects the work as presented by Co-PLAN during

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