Inspired by DUTCH Design Competition

In the framework of Tirana Architecture Week – [En]Visioning Future Cities, Albanian Netherlands Alumni Association, POLIS University and Co-Plan financed by the Netherlands Embassy in Tirana, Albania are organizing a product design competition.

Management Team

> Dritan Shutina – Executive Director of Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development Dritan Shutina is the Executive Director of Co-PLAN, the Institute for Habitat Development, since 2005, which he co-funded back in 1995. He is also one of the founders of Polis University, the International School of Architecture and Urban Development Policies, where he heads the research unit and teaches strategic planning. He graduated in Civil Engineering and furthered his

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Meet Co-PLAN Staff

Meet Co-PLAN Staff

>  Dritan Shutina – Executive Director of Co-PLAN Institute for Habitat Development Dritan Shutina is Executive Director of Co-PLAN Institute for Habitat Development, since 2005, which he co-founded in 1995. He is also one of the founders of Polis University, International School of Architecture and Urban Policy Development, where he heads the research unit is engaged in teaching and strategic planning. He graduated in Civil Engineering and studied further after-universitatre

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Our Mission

We work with people and institutions, to foster tangible social transformation and positive change on the ground by inducing change-driving knowledge in our society for smart management of our habitat.  >>

About Co-PLAN

In the early ‘90s, some young Albanian experts, assisted by the specialized Dutch organisations, successfully piloted the first experiences of ‘realistic’ urban planning in some critical areas in Tirana, Albania. This stage, marked the inception of the Institute for Habitat Development, Co-PLAN; despite the resistance and the pressure at the time, Co-PLAN successfully replicated these models in the years to follow, at wider level, to encompass ‘the city’.
The impacting results generated appreciation and praise amongst the international organisations, and a heated political debate in the country; the following histories of success of Co-PLAN’s activity served as an account and solid foundations for building partnerships with the central and local government units. A benchmark moment in the journey of Co-PLAN’s growth was marked by EGUG [Enabling Good Urban Governance] funded by the Dutch government, which served as a reference point for programs of other donors. The growth and progress of Co-PLAN has in fact been a response to the three stages of urban development and governance in Albania, and an effort to precede its problems.  >>

Administrative Support

> Ledia Lika – Office Administrator Graduated in Modern languages at the University of Tirana; specialising in German. Extensive work experience in NGO administrative support; excellent communication, inter-personal, and organisational skills. > Altion Qirko – Supporting Staff

Urban and Regional Development

>  Eriselda Çobo Architecture and Urban Planning background, both by education and experience. Very good experience in local government with participatory strategic planning and urban planning. Academic qualifications include postgraduate studies in Real Estate Evaluation and “Management and maintenance of high-rise multi-family residential buildings in countries in transition- TM course” from IHS, Erasmus University, Rotterdam. > Iris Kuqi Iris holds an MBA degree from the University of Bordeaux IV in

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Co-PLAN Finances

> Ogerta Gjiknuri – Financa Manager Graduated in Finance, Faculty of Economy at Tirana University and holds a Master degree in”Financial Risk and Risk Management”. Her background comes from a successful experience in finance and accounting. Experience in preparation of financial statements, reports, budgeting with strong ability to coordinate and interact with third parties, and run an efficient financial department. > Oreola Caliqi –  Accountant Graduated in the University of

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Efiçenca e Energjisë në Banesa – Takim kombëtar

Efiçenca e Energjisë në Banesa – Takim kombëtar

Koha e Zbatimit: 2009-2011 Donatori: Komisioni Europian Fondi: 99,497 Euro Zbatuar në: Bashkinë Fier Sektori i banesave është një nga konsumatorët kryesorë të burimeve energjetike në Shqipëri. Niveli i konsumit të energjisë nga sektori i banesave, në vitin 2005 arriti shifrën 27% ndaj kërkesës për energji që shënoi shifrat 60%. Shqipëria është një vend mesdhetar dhe pjesa më e madhe e ndërtesave të banimit ose janë të pa termoizoluara ose

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