Project and Administrative Assistant

  • 12/12/2023
  • 602

The primary duties and responsibilities:  Assist the Co-PLAN team with various office management duties, which include: Maintaining an efficient documentation and filing system in both hard copy and electronic formats Gathering, scanning, and filing necessary documents for the team Creating formal letters in both English and Albanian Ordering, stocking, and distributing office supplies and managing logistics fleet Acting as the primary receptionist by answering and directing incoming calls and greeting,

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Spatial Planning Expert

  • 01/12/2023
  • 447

Main Duties and Responsibilities: Work under the supervision of the head of territorial governance and spatial planning unit; Carry out activities related to projects in the field of spatial planning, disaster risk reduction, territorial governance; urban resilience Undertake data collection, entry, mining, computation and processing at municipal and regional level Prepare detailed analytical studies for specific issues related to spatial planning, disaster risk reduction, territorial governance; urban resilience Work closely

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Full-time Finance Officer

  • 05/11/2023
  • 583

Primary duties and responsibilities Providing general accounting and bookkeeping services; Coordinating procurement processes with the project team and preparing documentation for calls for tender and proposals in compliance with Co-PLAN Policies and Procedures and PRAG rules, if necessary; Ensuring that all financial transactions have appropriate supporting documents in complience with Albanian law, Co-PLAN Policies and Procedures, and donor terms and conditions Review the completeness of supporting documents, etc. Qualifications and

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  • 15/08/2023
  • 495

10Co-PLAN ofron mundësi internshipi për studentë të viteve 3-5 të degëve planifikim urban; urbanistikë; studime mjedisore; inxhinieri mjedisi; arkitekturë për mbështetje në punë kërkimore dhe studime tematike, dhe për kryerje vëzhgimesh në terren e procesimi hartash / të dhënash. Disa kërkesa për aplikantët: Përgjegjësi në ndjekje të udhëzimeve nga mentorët dhe afateve Aftësi të mira në excel dhe programe të ngjashme të procesimit të të dhënave Aftësi të mira komunikuese

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Thirrje për studentë – intership i paguar.

  • 10/03/2023
  • 574

Co-PLAN, kërkon studentë për t’u angazhuar në një internship të paguar Gjatë periudhës së internship-it, studentët do të jenë pjesë e grupit të pu. nës për kryerjen e intervistave në terren në Tiranë dhe bashki të tjera (me pyetësorë). Të interesuarit të kontaktojnë me brenda datës 10/04/2023!

IT Expert on employment registration platforms and procedures for seasonal workers in Albania

  • 01/03/2023
  • 379

Main Tasks and Responsibilities, comprise direct engagement on “Better employment conditions for Seasonal Workers in Albania” project, and focus on the following activities and sub-activities: Prepare technical specifications (ToR) for adaption/development of software for e-registration of seasonal workers, which will include: Assess possibility to use the existing regional software on registration of seasonal workers and provide go/ no-go response, and evaluate specific technicalities to be used in the adaptation of the

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Spatial Planning and GIS Expert

  • 06/01/2023
  • 536

Main Duties and Responsibilities Carry out activities related to projects in the field of spatial planning; urban resilience; disaster risk reduction, territorial governance. Undertake data collection, entry, mining, computation and processing at municipal and regional level using GIS applications, et al. Qualification and skills: University educational background (3+2 or 5 integrated diploma) in one of the following fields: spatial and urban planning, urban management, environmental management and/or education from which

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Thirrje për këshilltar teknik (inxhinier)

  • 01/01/2023
  • 372

Co-PLAN, Instituti për Zhvillimin e Habitatit, në kuadër të projektit “BE për bashkitë” planifikon të angazhojë një ekspert, “Këshilltar Teknik”, me mbështetje nga Bashkimi Evropian. Dokumentacioni i thjeshtuar i tenderit dhe informacione shtesë mund të merret në: dhe Titulli i kontratës: Këshilltar Teknik Projekti: “BE për Bashkitë” (EU for Municipalities) Referenca e publikimit: EU4M – 24 Dokumentacioni i thjeshtuar i tenderit (klikoni mbi secilin dokument): Termat e referencës Terms of

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Expert in Local Finances in the “Decentralisation and Local Regional Development Unit”

  • 20/09/2022
  • 387

Main duties and responsibilities include: Engage in current projects covered by the Unit, in administrative and content-related tasks; Contribute to the preparation of analysis and reports in the fields of economy and finances; Contribute to the continuous improvement and enrichment of databases; Organize and/or participate in activities (workshops, technical meetings etc.); Contribute to Units research activities (such as desk research, surveys etc.); Contribute to generating visual materials (graphics, informative images,

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Short Term video-design expert

  • 07/09/2022
  • 332

Waste to Energy for Western Balkans Cement Industry is looking for a short Term video-design expert. The objective of this assignment is to design and produce a total of 2 videos that are informative for public at large with regard to waste management processes and alternative fuel production and usage in Western Balkans.   As such  this assignment  will specifically contribute  to one of  the  main  activities  of  the  project,  awareness raising for the recovery of urban waste among public at large and stakeholders in Albania,

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