Office Administration and Procurement

  • 25/03/2022
  • 143

Main Duties and Responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

  • Provide administrative support during acquisition processes;
  • Provide administrative support related to human recourses management.
  • Provide administrative support in different agreements preparation forms and administrative forms
  • Constant monitoring and evidencing of public or private procurement procedures announced on domestic and foreign platforms;
  • Examine and preparation of documentation according to the Terms of Reference for application in each procurement procedure;
  • Maintaining an efficient documentation and filing system, including hard copies and electronic formats;
  • Update and maintain projects records, assemble, collate, distribute and archive projects information and provide this information upon request;

For more information: Terms of reference office administration and procurement

Applications are accepted until April 30, 2022

Job Category: Senior
Job Type: Full Time
Job Location: Co-Plan
Job Active: Expired
Sorry! This job has expired.
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