GIS Expert

  • 01/06/2022
  • 264

Main Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Work under the supervision of the head of territorial governance and spatial
    planning unit;
  • Carry out activities related to projects in the field of spatial planning, disaster risk
    reduction, territorial governance; urban resilience
  • Undertake data collection, entry, mining, computation and processing at municipal
    and regional level
  • Undertake advanced GIS spatial analysis of different aspects of territorial
    development at municipal and regional level
  • Work with databases and large datasets for different territorial development issues
  • Conduct advanced GIS modelling and mapping of different spatial and
    environmental planning issues, including natural hazards
  • Provide with cartographic and data outputs to support project development
  • Carry out management of an integrated database system with territorial and nonterritorial data
  • Provide training on basic GIS principles and applications for municipal staff and
    other stakeholders

For more information: GIS Expert TORs

Applications are accepted until July 1, 2022, 17:00h

Job Category: Expert
Job Type: Full Time
Job Location: Co-Plan
Job Active: Expired
Sorry! This job has expired.
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